Happy V Team

Happy V Team

The Ultimate Guide to D-Mannose for UTI Prevention

The Ultimate Guide to D-Mannose for UTI Prevention

If you’re tired of taking antibiotics to treat pesky UTIs, D-mannose may be the product for you. 10 min read

How IUDs Can Disrupt The Vaginal Microbiome

How IUDs Can Disrupt The Vaginal Microbiome

Everything you need to know about IUDs and BV 7 min read

Breast Cancer – Risks, Types, and Preventative Measures

Breast Cancer – Risks, Types, and Preventative Measures

This article will deep dive into breast health, breast cancer, and preventative measures that may help reduce your risk of breast cancer. 6 min read

Demystifying Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Demystifying Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

September is PCOS and Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.In this blog, we cover everything having to do with PCOS so you can be better prepared to deal with it. 13 min read

How Much Chlorophyll Do You Need for a Healthier You?

How Much Chlorophyll Do You Need for a Healthier You?

While a balanced diet forms the foundation of good health, there are instances when our bodies may require an extra boost to function optimally. This is where the benefits of supplementation come into play. And when it comes to chlorophyll, many have put in their two cents on how much you should take daily. 10 min read

Can Stress Really Cause UTIs? Understanding the Connection

Can Stress Really Cause UTIs? Understanding the Connection

Stress— sometimes, it feels as if we just can’t escape it. Whether it’s the unrelenting pressure to excel at work, the strains of personal relationships, or the constant bombardment of information in this digital age, stress seeps into every aspect of our lives—including our feminine health. We wish it weren’t true, but it is; Stress can increase the risk of getting urinary tract infections (as if we didn’t have enough to worry about). 9 min read

Can Stress Cause Bacterial Vaginosis?

Can Stress Cause Bacterial Vaginosis?

It’s no surprise that most people are stressed these days. Fast-paced lifestyles, over-packed schedules, and a digital world that tends to create the illusion of falling behind can make it hard to maintain mental and physical wellness. Stress wreaks havoc on the body in more ways than one, and it can even make recurrent cases of bacterial vaginosis (BV) more likely. 9 min read

Exploring the Link: Can Endometriosis Mimic UTI Symptoms?

Exploring the Link: Can Endometriosis Mimic UTI Symptoms?

Affecting approximately 1 in 10 women of reproductive age in the United States [1], there is a good chance that you or someone you know has been diagnosed with endometriosis. This gynecological condition causes painful and uncomfortable symptoms that can take a toll on your body and get in the way of your day-to-day life. Understanding the signs and symptoms of endometriosis can help you look for any red flags that may warrant visiting your OBGYN. 6 min read

Discover the Best Foods for UTI Relief

Discover the Best Foods for UTI Relief

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common bacterial infections that affect the urinary system, including the bladder, urethra, and kidneys. Have you ever peed and it feels like a burning sensation? That was most likely a UTI! 8 min read